
Showing posts from July, 2021

How should You Start as a Beginner for UPSC IAS Exam

As a beginner starting from point zero one can buy upsc previous years question paper module and attempt some questions daily, moreover the questions from NCERT to will help. Start writing answers as and when you study, don’t wait for the whole or even sufficient amount of syllabus to be finished you take help of mentor from the best upsc coaching in indore . Say you are studying polity and finished President, soon after, check previous year’s papers on this topic and try to answer as many as you wish, you could pick a single question that is the easiest for you and start answering on a piece of paper. You might not able to answer question that involve president and the prime minister as you wouldn’t have covered the latter yet. You can skin such questions for later. Practice Answer Writing Answer writing is an important aspect of  UPSC civil services exam . While prelims is only the qualifying exam which separates the grain from the chaff i.e. serious candidates from non-seriou

How helpful are Mock test and Test Series at MPPSC coaching institutes?

  Many candidates make a basic mistake: they read and repeat over and over, but never practice. Remember that the examiner checking your copy will have no idea about the number of books you have read or the number of hours you slog. Your answers are all that he must judge you. So, it makes sense to learn it, practice it and perfect it. MPPSC Test series helps in that sense as it trains your brain to know how the actual exam is. You write tests so that you are not surprised in the final exam. So even if you practice answer writing daily, you should write full length exams within the dedicated time limit. Writing such tests with the full seriousness of a real exam will teach you to manage time and give an incredible insight as to where you are going wrong. Feedback on your answers will also help you gain an independent, critical perspective. Also, you need to remember that the mains exam not only demands our memory and intelligence, but also endurance. If you lack prior practice,

UPSC Exam preparation tips for IAS aspirants

  How to Read? How to read ( recommended approach )   1 st  Reading  The first time you’re reading the books, read them like a novel. Highlight the important points using a highlighter ( in case of ebook ) or a pencil ( Hard copy ) . Keep a dictionary handy. If you come across any difficult word, look it up immediately. If you don’t understand a specific concept, use Google and read up about it. Note On highlighting ( how to know what to highlight ) It’s important that you know what information to highlight and what to ignore. This can be done by analyzing previous question papers. Analyzing previous year’s question papers will help you understand the type of questions asked under each topic. For instance, if you’re studying about the various Government schemes and policies, you should focus on advantages & disadavantages of the policy, need for that policy and its approach. if you’re studying about a specific industry, your focus should be on the location of the industry, the

Newspaper reading from Civil services UPSC IAS exam and MPPSC Exam point of view

  If you go through UPSC questions asked in previous years on Current Events and match the syllabus, you will find a correlation between core-subjects, such as History, Economics, Polity, Geography, Science and Tech or Environment and questions in GS Paper- I. The concept and facts asked in these questions are based on analytical aspect of contemporary issues and development in core-subjects appeared in daily newspapers. So, when you read newspaper, you should have all the core subjects in mind to note down the contemporary issues and development appearing in daily news. Sources for Current Events: Newspapers The Hindu  Important for: Socio –economic and political issues, Editorials and Opinions : An analytical view and coverage on Government programmes and policies. Science and Technology : Thursday Edition for scientific developments. Environmental Issues:  Issues and policies at notional and international level

Can I Clear MPPSC Exam Without Coaching?

  The Madhya Pradesh Civil Services Exam is one of the prestigious exams and cracking it without the right preparation is not an easy task. So, while preparing for the MPPSC exam, many students face one common question, whether to join a coaching or not? success in the exam can only be achieved through hard work and determination. So, if you have decided to study for the exam without coaching, you must have a proper exam preparation strategy. you will get to know How to Prepare for the MPPSC Exam at Home.     Know the MPPSC syllabus   For MPPSC, you need to go for a proper idea of the MPPSC syllabus for prelims and mains exam. The MPPSC makes available the syllabus for the state civil services preliminary and main examination in a detailed manner. By going through the syllabus of the exam, you will find it easier to gather the right study material required for exam preparation. Once you have understood the pattern of the exam, you can prepare for the exam without taking t